Saying things forgot about....

Thursday, November 22, 2012

gaza opening

the drama unfolded, accusations, blaming and demonisation struck quick and hard,

apparently bombs fell,

after a few days i searched a live stream. it happened that RT had one, it even sometimes showed a different angle , and transmitted pieces arab and chinese negotiations (thx for not translating)

live streams are anyhow a good tool, even if they sometimes have you staring at a still for hours, the situation can only still be manipulated (in the media usually) to a smaller degree.
gaza however almost fits in one camera field.

it was painfully impressive, in no time the high rise stood shaking, and would i post something a bomb would fall.

yet the first thing that occured before the bombs had time to touch the ground was what a terrible nuisance drones are.

outright incredible, i wonder completely how much of this torture the international community so far allowed.

also i wonder , and i have not the faintest, how much the same goes for pakistan and yemen, are these people also bombarded with the noise of traffic jams at high speed mixed with second worldwar aerial warfare of unknown dimension?

an everlasting airbattle? it got me sad and nervous and also ill very soon.

the next night the sound was dimmed to the point of being almost off. and i saw examples of scrambling,
strangely exactly by the parties that we just read were the victim of that practice..

what a surprise (not)

bombs still dropped, very loud ones even, as the building didnt shake they were big. and the drones were there, not probably much more distant.

a next night came, and even if i hated the view i put on the camera again, it went off-air (happens a lot with livecams, the conditions are not rarely suspect)

found another and as it was yesterdaynight, a truce was anounced (moreless the third such attempt, i feared the most)

enormous shooting was the theatre, the groundwar had broke loose, could hardly hear the drones,
claxoning, singing and cheering people made obvious this was probably a celebration,

not so hard to understand they were happy, hanya held a speech, oh i got he was satisfied with results, the air would be cleared, water sourced and borders opened.

he smiled all the way, nah not really, but was he happy!
this was still in arab, and i had seen the scene in gaza, was actually probably still watching it somewhat perplexly, so i took it that he was declaring a farfetched and great victory, wo these horrible costs and losses, only today i understood it got a bit better.

over the conditions of the cease-fire the borders , water and air, (and a few more i did not understand or hear), and ofcourse the condition of ceasing fire and hostilitys, haniya achieved another thing.

hamas was directly involved in the negotiations.

it means we are making a start with disbanding the practice of criminalising whole populaces, just because some (very rich people) say they can.

a bigger change than that we could have hoped of.

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Personally i try not to be rude. However sometimes i screw up. Basically i will remove, discriminating and hate posts. And comments clearly derivant from well prepared 'neocon' (kapitalist) pr or secret service agents. (aivd , fbi, mossad etc.) Dutch language is welcome. English prefered, sorry if that bothers my fellow countryman who always seem to think they know how to handle their languages. Ill edit this some time;)

wanted terrorist: name silencer aka stealotron

wanted terrorist: name silencer aka stealotron
Through lies and fraud this one is managed to rob 1000000s of the fruits of their work and their voice