Saying things forgot about....

Sunday, April 21, 2013

a ridiculously discriminating enquete

so the dutch government decided to do some make up.

a 'real' poll about discrimination, usually i would not have noticed the enveloppe or answered,
but in this case, discrimination is so much the modus operandi of the dutch system and police repression, i decided to fill in the form (also because probably i would have been registered as a significant no about discrimination)

so for the eye of it (it was personally adressed, and i had to fill in a specific personal code),  there were some lies intentionally played.

i thought it may help to see how they effectuate those discriminating policys.
what a disappointment, it was very obvious.

i didnt memorise the whole thing, yet for an example, did i sport last year..

yes / no
ok ok. i suppose
so i fill in yes

was i discriminated during sports yes/ no ..
well i happened to sport somewhere i could not be discriminated,  on purpose,

so how about not applicable as an option?
no such option with quite a few such questions,(1)

i suppose they intend to proudly anounce no discrimination on those questions,
also i must infere, since everywhere else discrimination is daily practise and curriculum,
actually they will be disappointed i have sported without allowing them the chance to discriminate.

so it is dangerous for me to fill it in.(2)
more so because it poses to be anonymous, yet asks specific questions about my income...
oh well i am used to being terrorised and stolen from, disenfranchised and subject of arbitrary procedures and police respression (aka terror) it scares me no extra even if at one point i thought,
i probably better not fill this in..

fear however is exactly what they intend to spread, also with such obviously dubious objectivity,
and giving in to fear could only make us smaller.
am looking forward to an outcome now where so abouts every of my answers will be denied to have been given,

i also assume they will intensify their political discrimination campaign (a carefully evaded circumstance in the poll)(3) as i anounced they had not yet made me unhappy.

unhappyness there can be for so many reasons, a bit extra or new fascism is not going to get me under, never.

a bit extra capitalist blackmail won't make me more unhappy either, if i had been very sensitive to that i would have been deadly depressed 30 years ago and more.

i can say only this, fuck the dutch fascist system.

(1) for otherwise being discounted as insincere, being no registered sports, and actually sporting alone, or with a friend, i filled in no ofcourse.

(2) yes, before getting specific about income they ask if i feel intimidated, obviously i do, 50 years of prejudice , racism, and arbtrary measures would..

(3) institutionally, in shops, through even photos of my face , even if i did not steal a thing in decades, (a justicial file anyone?, my ass. they discriminate forever), police records, income-wise, every other official connect, like when my rights have been infringed and i would be dependend of police or judges.
it matters a lot for them to discriminate and intimidate you in the hopes of imposing capitalism, that is obviously the target of the intimidation, get you so small you would start being egoist, scared to help anyone, greedy, selfabsorbed, thinking of money daily. really i am glad i am not from a newer brainwashed generation, i think i would die if i was a young person now, or get locked up in psychiatry for being not a capitalist, not dishonest, not merciless.

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Personally i try not to be rude. However sometimes i screw up. Basically i will remove, discriminating and hate posts. And comments clearly derivant from well prepared 'neocon' (kapitalist) pr or secret service agents. (aivd , fbi, mossad etc.) Dutch language is welcome. English prefered, sorry if that bothers my fellow countryman who always seem to think they know how to handle their languages. Ill edit this some time;)

wanted terrorist: name silencer aka stealotron

wanted terrorist: name silencer aka stealotron
Through lies and fraud this one is managed to rob 1000000s of the fruits of their work and their voice